My Biggest Emergency

Background: It’s 4:17pm on the 17th of June and I receive a text message from my wife telling me that our son had been admitted to the Box Hill Hospital because he had been vomiting for about 10 times in the early morning.

I drop everything, and I rushed to the hospital ward, and I arrived at 5:25 pm. My son had been vomiting and only eating small amounts of food during the day and I present his symptoms to hospital staff.

I show them, he cannot stand up; he cannot walk more than 5 meters before he is totally exhausted. And he cannot go to the toilet by himself and he doesn’t balance on the toilet seat.

I tell my son as I hold him in my arms, I tell him, ‘Dana, I will love you forever’, and he then falls asleep.

Around 6:00 pm the hospital staff tell us to take our son home. I say ‘no I can’t because he’s in a bad state, he needs to be here just in case we need the doctor’s help. I sleep with him overnight. Giving him small amounts to drink and small amounts of food at intervals; at 8:00 o’clock; 10:00 o’clock; 1200 o’clock and we fall asleep; until around 2:00 am I wake to the groaning noise coming from my son.

I try to wake him up, but I can’t arouse him, so I press the green button to sound the alarm. At this stage I take the photo of my son.

My Biggest Emergency

My son is now being taken care of by expert doctors who start to take blood samples out of his left arm and I tell myself not to react, not to lose it because he’s in the best hands with doctors.

My son seems to wake up and he starts to resist everything that is going on and he fights against the doctors. The alarm sounds, it’s a code blue. And I film this 4 seconds, 4 1 second videos. The doctor starts to examine my son in his eyes with an apparatus. So I come in close and have a look. The doctor tells me to ‘backoff’, so I go into the hallway and I walk up and down the hallway thinking about calling my wife.

Pain: It’s now 2:34 am and ‘like an arrow shot through my heart, I feel my son Dana and best mate die’.

He is placed on equipment to maintain his heart beat, and heart pressure and blood pressure. However after family is educated, the equipment is finally turned off after 7 days.

The neurosurgeon said it was like a bushfire had gone through my best mate’s brain and his brain no longer communicated with his body. He had died of a medulloblastoma, an aggressive form of cancer in children.

I over the next days, weeks and months suffer a lack of focus; I cannot work; I have problems with my concentration; I have panic attacks, a kind of mental illness.

But to continue my journey, I return to China, to teach children from the ages of 3-5. You see my son Dana was 5 years and a third when he passed on, and going to China was my way of giving back to children.

In early 2019, I have a nightmare in China. My mum, my dad and Dana are all in the dream but as you know they have all passed on. And my parents and Dana are very angry with me! I have an inner breakthrough, I interpret the dream to mean: I have limited time on this planet in my life to make ‘Dana’s Legacy’ a reality!

To bring meaning and positivity to the passing of my son and best mate Dana, I start fundraising for Dana’s legacy charity. A to create the early cancer detection technology. Detection Analysis Neurological Apparatus, or Cancer D.A.N.A. I register the charity in his name and I begin fundraising.

‘This my friend is my calling in life, why I do what I do! Please give a donation to make my and Dana’s dream come true!

Go ahead give to Dana’s legacy charity. Thanks for listening, I’m Leo Hokkanen, Dana’s proud father!

Thank You!


Contributions are being accepted for this wonderful cause!

Dana’s Legacy Charity Bitcoin (BTC) Address: 14sZwWFG3weLyhSKk6Yp2zxxvibtNDaKij

Give Today and You Will Receive

Dana Sun Hokkanen died of an undetected medulloblastoma, and if I had the technology to scan my son to detect or diagnose his illness, then I would have. 8 months earlier I had taken my son to have a full medical and asked the doctor to give my son a CAT Scan but he had refused, because he said Dana was a healthy boy.  

6 weeks before he passed he was taken to different doctor and specialist who again told us he was a healthy boy.

2 weeks before he died I took him to the Royal Children’s Hospital in Melbourne and on inspection the hospital were unable to diagnose that my son had anything seriously wrong with him.

Cancer D.A.N.A –  My goal is to give $2.26 million to help in the creation of a non-invasive cancer early Detection and Analysis of Neurological (diseases of the nervous system) Apparatus. Donations of $60,000; $200,000 and $2 million in 3 stages will go to the institution best positioned in the world to deliver this breakthrough technology. I will make sure the technology is created, mass produced and distributed to the mass market including medical centers and hospitals around the world.  Leo Hokkanen (Father and Legacy Builder)

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Dana and Dad in Prep Classroom.