EzyTrx Tools

EzyTrx Tools | Resources | Links | Downloads

Here are the cryptocurrency resources you need:

1. Wallets

Tronlink Wallet: tronlink.org
a. Get the Mobile Wallet and
b. *Tronlink Chrome Extension Wallet.
(This is the Must Use Recommended Wallet)
Copy and save the 12 word seed phrase.

2. Exchanges

a. Bittrex Exchange: Click this Link
b. Binance Exchange: Link

EzyTrx Tools


1 Affiliate 263000 in 6 hours EZYTRX.COM


1 1200
Step 1
– Get Tronlink Wallet at TRONLINK.ORG

Select Chrome Extension Wallet

1. Step 1 Get TRONLINK.ORG Tron TRX Wallet Chrome Extension

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Step 2 – Load Wallet with 43000+ TRX
Ezytrx Commissions


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STEP 3 – Get Your Sign Up Link from Your Sponsor and Their ID Number = 33  (This is Tutorman’s Affiliate Number)
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Step 4. CHECK My Referral Code = 33
EzyTrx.com Sponsor 33
PRESS ‘Register Now’ button
    *The smart contract engages the Tronlink.org ‘Chrome Extension’ TRX Tron Wallet, then
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Step 5. ‘Request Signature’ Appears on your Wallet
    PRESS the ‘Accept’ button!
    Then the smart contract will pick up the money (TRX) from your wallet.


1. CLICK ‘Login’ button
2. ADD your TRONLINK wallet address
3. PRESS the ‘Authorization’ button, then
4. PRESS the orange Welcome ‘OK’ Button
This will take you to the Dashboard
6 1200
Step 6. Click BUY Button to Upgrade to First 5 Slots (see image below)
Go through the same process in step 5 – ‘Request Signature’ Appears on your Wallet

    Then PRESS the ‘Accept’ button!
Ezytrx.com Fund First 5 Slots ID33 Screen shot 1
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Step 7. Copy Your Affiliate Link from Your Dashboard
Ezytrx Affiliate Link Tutorman


8 1200

Step 8.
Learn an Online Marketing Strategy Like Youtube.com Marketing.
Watch training video below, take notes and copy the process and create videos using target keywords to attact viewers for EZYTRX and your landing page, etc.

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Step 9. Share Your EzyTrx Link! 

10 1200
Step 10. Repeat the Process!

To Learn More:

Subscribe to my Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8XMt1S5VyeNzkhzGzBooyg?sub_confirmation=1

Like My Videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sSplubMStmc

Friend me on Facebook: https://facebook.com/tutorman

Visit the website: https://ezytrx.com

Claim Your Spot in the Matrix and Get Mentored By Tutorman.

Click this link and follow the sign up process above. 

Join Us on Telegram
Add me to WhatsApp


Let’s work together!

Coming Soon:

– Review Video – EzyTrx Crowdfunding Review Day 1 14092020
– How to Upgrade Video
Fast Start Guide and Get Started Video

EzyTrx Smart Contract [Risk Free]


Introducing EzyTrx (Easy Tron):

The smartest decentralized, lucrative platform built on tron blockchain technology.
This program is powered by a smart contract that promises Risk Free and real-time transactions where 100% of funds are redistributed into the network.
The great advantage of a smart contract is that it is clear, transparent and can never be altered.
EzyTrx (Easy Tron) offers 2 programs, EZ1 and EZ10.
EZ1 – Program:
Upon purchase of each step in the EZ1 program the same step in EZ10 is simultaneously activated.
Your investment will work and earn in both sections.
Thanks to the smart contract, commissions and earnings are distributed to your personal tron wallet (tronlink.org wallet).
No information is stored. 100% of the funds are paid instantly.
No company takes a cent, and there is Zero Chance of a SCAM.
How do the 2 programs work?
There are a total of 10 steps in the program.
Each subsequent step is priced higher than the previous one.
The lowest package is priced at 1000 TRX or about USD$35.(on current value).
Everything begins with EZ1 which is the direct referrals.
Everyone who joins EZ1 with your recommendation, you will receive a commission of 100%.
If your direct referral funds a step (slot) higher than what you own, instead of earning nothing, you will still earn 50% commission. And the remaining 50% will go to anyone above you owning a higher package.
This method is unique only in Ezytrx platform and no other program pays this handsomely.
What’s more is all of the people that you sponsor will follow you in every step irrespective of you aquiring a package in a higher step.
The value to own higher steps is enormous. And you will enjoy vastly greater earnings as you progressively unlock each step.
EZ10 on the other hand,
is programmed to place members in a 3×10 level matrix automatically filling slots from the top to bottom.
from left to right…
This system in fashioned in such as way that participants can transparently and fairly receive spillovers from their uplines and earn commissions on 10 layers deep.
A full matrix consists of 88,572 people that will continually pay passive commissions to you.
In Easy Tron, income can grow exponentially. Just completing the matrix in the first step of 1000 TRX, or $35 dollars will earn you 4.40 million TRX. (~$154,000).
Step 2 will earn you a maximum of 8.80 million TRX when your matrix completes.
Step 3 gives you 22.14 million TRX
Step 4 equals 44.29 million TRX
Step 5 equals 88.57 million TRX, and so on.
With just 5 steps you can earn up to 168.20 million TRX, (or about $5,887,000)
In order to further maximize your potential and continual earning, you must upgrade to the next highest step upon reaching 10 times your current package value.
For example, if you originally purchased just step 1, with 1000 TRX, by the time you reach 10000 TRX, you must upgrade otherwise your account will stop earning commissions.
Failure to upgrade will temporarily suspend your position…, and all income will be transferred to the next available level above.
Your earnings restart upon upgrade.
We suggest you fund at least 5 steps so that you cover 50% of all packages from the beginning.
You will have to fund each step sequentially, and no step can be skipped.
Start earning and change your life today.
It will not take you long to begin start earning hundreds of thousands of dollars in Tron (TRX) from the moment you join.
Limitless earning is waiting…
Earn Tron (TRX) the Easy Way, Today!